Our Investment Philosophy

We hold ourselves accountable for the investment decisions we make by being innovative, professional and having a strong sense of Integrity and discipline through continuous and consistent Excellence.

Our Equity philosophy is based on the belief that superior investment performance is achieved by investing in companies that are priced below their intrinsic value with a sufficient margin of safety. Our intrinsic value is calculated by looking at what the company is currently worth based on sustainable earnings or net asset value.


Our Equity philosophy is centered around assembling the following:

  • VALUATION : The current value of the business.
  • QUALITY : The quality of the business.
  • MARKET EXPECTATIONS : The market’s expectation on the business.

We blend both a fundamental and quantitative investment approach to gain a more comprehensive perspective of business.

You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective.

Denis Waitley

Our Approach

Our approach to investing is primarily driven by the belief that superior performance is achieved by investing in companies that are priced below their intrinsic value with a sufficient margin of safety, and paying careful attention to capital preservation.

We ascribe to the principle of capital preservation first, and then yield enhancement. This is evident in our emphasis on undervalued stocks and explicit use of capital protection strategies. Our analyses are geared to assess the main drivers of and valuations of appropriate investments. Thorough analysis underpins superior returns. The investment team has a combined 40+ years of industry experience with a strong, research, portfolio management and derivative background.

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make.

Dave Ramsey