Mianzo Absolute Return Funds:
Mianzo CPI + 3%
Mianzo CPI + 4%
Mianzo CPI + 5%
Mianzo CPI + 6%
Our focus is capital preservation. This is achieved by paying careful attention to potential downside risk and to provide asymmetric returns through protection strategies to risky assets. Our key investment tenets are a) Downside risk mitigation and b) Yield enhancing strategies.
The objectives are:
Fund Managers: Luvo Tyandela
Launch date: January 2010
Benchmark: CPI
Weighted Risk Profile: Medium
Minimum Investment: ZAR 50 million
Management Fees: 0.55%
Performance Fees: Negotiable
The Fund is suitable for Institutional Investors seeking real returns and reduced short-term return volatility.